Category Archives: History Of Chocolate

Where The Worlds Best Chocolate Comes From

You know it’s addictive. You know that it can be fattening. You know that it contains loads of sugar. Has that stopped you? Of course not! It’s chocolate we’re talking about here! Who can give it up? Chocolate is the favorite vice of both young and old. There are so many types out there. You can find practically any kind of chocolate to satisfy even the most finicky among us. Undoubtedly, the worshippers at the altar of chocolate are a vocal bunch. Ask anyone where the best […]

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Scientists And Nutritionists On Battle For Chocolate

Scientist and Researchers will always tell people that eating chocolate is good for the heart since it has the ability to decrease the LDL or known as bad cholesterol and it will promote a good blood flow by reducing the blood pressure level to a person associated with high blood pressure. However, Nutritionists will always argue in this sentiments and results. As for them, they have a basis why would they argue for those studies. For instance, some substances, components and compounds of a chocolate is said […]

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Healthy Chocolate is NOT an Oxymoron

Healthy chocolate? How can that be? After all, we’ve been trained to think of chocolate as a guilty indulgence at best, and as a health disaster at worst. Yet there is a large body of scientific evidence that supports the notion that chocolate is not only harmless, but that it can actually contribute to health and longevity. There’s Chocolate and Then There’s Chocolate That’s not to say that all chocolate is created equal. If you think that those sugary confections you find in candy stores and on […]

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A Brief History of Chocolate

Chocolate has been a favorite of man for thousands of years. Ancient people brewing the seeds of the cacao tree into a yummy beverage was the beginning of the wide assortment of chocolates that we enjoy today. Once chocolate was discovered by European conquests, it became a treat only the wealthiest could afford. Not only was chocolate expensive, but it was bitter. Sugar and spices used to sweeten it were expensive too and out of the common man’s reach. It was in the 1800’s that the industrial […]

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